Adventures in Africa

torsdag 8 april 2010


I’m not very ill, but I have some sort of stomach thing going on since yesterday morning. How typical is that when I finally am getting ready for my first trip outside of Pemba. Ironic – and not in a funny way! With that said I have to say I am grateful it’s not worse! Especially since my bathroom now is some 50 meters from my bedroom and it’s quite dark in the middle of the night if you need to make that trip… I have been kind of waiting for it; I would just have appreciated it to arrive at a more convenient time. I am so looking forward to the trip tomorrow and am a bit scared I can’t go if this gets worse.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Inte kul med magproblemas när man inte har toan nära... krya på dig.

  2. krya på dig
    pok // k

  3. Feel better little sister, feel better soon!!! XOX

  4. Tack :) Jag mådde ju i alla fall tillräckligt bra för att åka - det var huvudsaken, men nu längtar jag till flytten imorgon. "Campingupplevelsen" är helt ok,men behöver inte komma i alltför stora doser...
