Adventures in Africa

måndag 6 september 2010

Back in Pemba

After 30 hours of travelling via Istanbul and Dar-es-Salaam I am back in Mozambique. One month seems like such a long time, but afterwards it feels just as short as always.

I had an 8 hour layover in Istanbul and I think I did pretty well => I managed to not shop more than one CD! And since shopping was not an option I was very glad Klas gave me the “Solsidan” DVDs before I left!

My visit back in Sweden has been really great! I have met loads of friends and spent many wonderful days with my family (unfortunately there wasn’t enough time to see everyone I wanted and intended; it will have to be next time).

But it’s also really good to be back. The weather is very nice at the moment – not too hot yet. The last weeks in Sweden were pretty cold… I didn’t mind that at all though, it gave me an opportunity to wear boots and jackets a while :) I do love this time of year in Sweden when the air is crisp and cool. But I don’t mind taking morning swims in the Indian Ocean either ;) And it was of course really great meeting my Pemba-friends again!

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