Adventures in Africa

torsdag 9 december 2010

Christmas time in Pemba

For me it’s a bit surreal that Christmas Eve is only 2 weeks away. The shops in town are decorated with all the glittering stuff and the staff is wearing Santa Claus hats. The sun is beaming from a clear blue sky and summer is definitely here. I’m sweating 24/7 again since both temperature and humidity is climbing again. Very strange feeling to say the least!

I must admit that I would love to go home for Christmas! I will miss my family tons on Christmas Eve and, even if I will be in good company, it’s just something special with Christmas and family. It’s the first time I’m really home sick on this trip actually, which is not too bad since it’s not too long until I’m going back.

Yesterday I woke up to a horrible stench – the rat I’ve being trying to kill a while now finally did die! Probably a couple of days ago, considering the smell… And he decided to put himself to his last rest just above my bed, on top of the ceiling. Thanks to Frank I could go to bed breathing fresh air in the evening => he crawled up under the roof and threw the rat away. What would I do without him?!?

And today Anne Laure and I ran as usually Thursday mornings at 05.00. It was a bit strenuous today for some reason, so we decided to walk the last bit. But that’s ok, we gotta have mornings like that as well.

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej!! Najs Blog! Jag är väldigt glad att Moz är helt amazing :) ! OM du vill kan kontakta på Skulle vore kul höra lite om Pemba!

