Adventures in Africa

måndag 6 december 2010


Isn’t it amazing how a simple thing as a fan can improve life so much!?! A friend of mine said, when she found out I have been sleeping without one until now; you’re even tougher than the Africans! I don’t know about that, but it has been kind of hot from time to time. The worst part for me, sleeping in a single bed, is to lie as far out on the sides as possible in order to find some cool space when turning. But now I have my fan :) If we have electricity that is… It’s been a lot of the “power on/off” lately, and I really hope that’s going to change soon!

Last week turned out to be a bit of a party week => Nelson’s good bye party Tuesday evening, Pieter, Amaya and Megan leaving Friday so we had to do something about that Thursday night and Saturday birthday party… I was a bit tired yesterday :/

This week will be all about training instead! It started good with a 10 km run this morning followed by a session of Pilates. Feeels great!

Now Internet at Russell’s again – my mobile Internet at home turned out not to be the big success it seemed last week :( It will probably work really well from time to time, but I can unfortunately not rely on it.

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