Adventures in Africa

torsdag 14 oktober 2010

Small chirurgia

Yesterday I went to the hospital – again… I’ve had more incidents since coming to Africa than the last 20 years in total. Anyway, this time it was my toe nail. The one that fell off a couple of months ago, or the new one growing out to be a bit more accurate. It had started growing down and into the flesh. I was really freaked out before going because I thought it would hurt. But it turned out to be totally ok and now I hope it won’t bother me ever again!

Being in Pemba again is very nice though! I’ve been here a week already and will go back to Ibo Saturday morning. In the company of Frank & C – they are coming to spend a long weekend on the island. Hopefully the winds will be with us and not blow too strongly so we can go out with the boat for a sleepover.

And tonight is movie night at Russell’s :)

onsdag 6 oktober 2010


cockroaches, spiders, a grasshopper and some big furry thing with about 10 000 legs are my new house guests. The bats are ok, they just hang in the roof as long as I am awake and the lights are on => one on the porch and one inside the house. But they wake me up in the middle of the night with their uuuiiiiiii-sound. The cockroaches I’m not afraid of, but they are big and disgusting. The spiders I hope are not poisonous – I certainly tell myself they’re not… The grasshopper is ok as long it doesn’t attack me and the other unidentified thing is kind of ok as well, it doesn’t seem to take any particular interest in me:) We don’t have that many mosquitoes yet, but I’m sure there will be plenty when the rains come.

Other than that I’ve only seen goats, chicken and cows on the island so far. I think there are snakes, but thankfully they seem to be quite private and don’t show themselves too often. This morning, running by a big flowering tree, I could hear what must have been a million bees humming. It is possible to buy Ibo honey I’ve heard, so I’ll see if I can find some later today.

tisdag 5 oktober 2010

Big waves

Yesterday we went with some friends on the boat, aiming for the light house with dolphins and good snorkeling waters. Unfortunately we didn’t make it. As soon as we came out of the sheltered waters behind Ibo the wind picked up quite a lot and after another 5-6 k’s we had to turn back. 2 people already sea sick and the motor starting to struggle.

It turned out to be a very nice day anyway – once back and securely anchored we made lunch and had a pleasant afternoon. Almost no wind and great company.

After having dinner at Miti Miwiri I began watching “The devil wears Prada”, but had to flee the building when a giant grasshopper started to attack me. It was all for the best though – it was already 8.30 and I had set my alarm to go off at 04.20 today. Sooo, this morning I had an early run followed by a nap after breakfast :) And then some Portuguese studies before lunch. Just finished the movie and will now order take out-dinner at the Pastelaria.