Adventures in Africa

torsdag 14 oktober 2010

Small chirurgia

Yesterday I went to the hospital – again… I’ve had more incidents since coming to Africa than the last 20 years in total. Anyway, this time it was my toe nail. The one that fell off a couple of months ago, or the new one growing out to be a bit more accurate. It had started growing down and into the flesh. I was really freaked out before going because I thought it would hurt. But it turned out to be totally ok and now I hope it won’t bother me ever again!

Being in Pemba again is very nice though! I’ve been here a week already and will go back to Ibo Saturday morning. In the company of Frank & C – they are coming to spend a long weekend on the island. Hopefully the winds will be with us and not blow too strongly so we can go out with the boat for a sleepover.

And tonight is movie night at Russell’s :)

1 kommentar:

  1. Hej vännen, du får ta hand om dig!!!! KRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM
