Adventures in Africa

måndag 21 juni 2010

My own house

After coming back from Ibo I found a house to rent! It all started with Magda looking at this house a coupl of weeks ago when she needed a place to stay. She found another house and that was that. But since then I’ve been thinking how nice it would be to have my own place. It has been really great renting the room from Jutta, but it’s just the thing of having your own space you know. And now I do :)

I am really excited but will have to wait a couple of more days before I can move in. There are some things that need to be done; I have to put a bed in for one thing. Frank has promised to lend me one and both C and Frank have some pots & pans and stuff that I can have to start with. There is nothing in the house now, except a sitting room set the landlord gave me to have in the beginning, which was really nice of him!

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