Adventures in Africa

måndag 28 juni 2010


Last Wednesday C and I had a busy day in front of us – we had to do all the shopping for the bush trip and things were changing by the minute. Eventually everything was settled, so we started by going to Frank’s house to pick up a couple of things. And then everything changed again – I walked into a rusty iron thing sticking out from a trailer. Hmmm, did I say I would try to be a little bit more careful just a few days ago?!? Anyway => big hole in my leg! So instead of running around shopping we ended up in the clinic. It was (I think ;)) a nasty cut, about 5 cm long I guess and maybe ½ cm wide, but it needed only 3 stitches. It was quite fascinating to see the doctor put the needle into my skin and pull it all together without feeling too much of it.

After that we had to go back to my house to pick up the vaccination card we specifically was there to pick up 30 minutes earlier and which I left on the desk... I am very grateful to C’s wonderful patience, without any sign of irritation whatsoever, over my stupid forgetfulness! She is really a great friend!

Since the clinic didn’t have any tetanus vaccine (stelkramp) we then had to go the hospital. I paid 25 öre, waited 1,5 hours and then I was almost back to normal. Except for the big bandage on my leg of course :) And we did manage to do the shopping in the end, so then we were all set for the exciting trip to the bush!!! I’ll tell you more about that in a few days.

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