Adventures in Africa

onsdag 14 april 2010

C’s house

Last Saturday I went to C’s house for the first time. She lives in a little village called Nanhimbe, about 15 minutes walk from Russell’s Place, and she has the most wonderful little house you can ever imagine! It has 4 tiny rooms (including an open plan kitchen) on the ground floor. In the attic she has placed the bedroom in a totally open space under the roof top, with just a ladder to get up there. Both the front and back gardens are very green, with lemon grass and all sorts of plants I don’t know the name of. And in the back there is a little patio in the shadow under the extended roof. She has electricity (same terms as the rest of us you know => it comes and goes…) but no running water! And that works just as well – and since I now have tried the cup shower I understand that she doesn’t need running water :) Her house is really very picturesque and to me very much "Africa"!

PS. I have added some pictures to the “Paradise” post and the “Kifula” post if you want to see more.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Do you know just how annoying it is to read these short comments and see these pictures while longing to get back to Africa, the continent with time and no clocks ...

    However, I continously wish you all the best experiances, views and meetings with interesting people while you are there ...

    Warmest hugs

  2. Thank you so much Håkan!! I really enjoy Africa - and am actually slowly getting used to the "no clock's but time"-thing... It's good to have handy when I'm a bit late ;)
    But you have soemthing I don't at the moment; long wonderful evenings when it doesn't get dark until maybe 8 or something!!

    Stor kram till dig!

  3. I am reading the comments from your friends and I remember when I lived in Hawaii and first discovered the idea of not knowing what time it was it was so liberating. I was working so I needed to know the time but I remember thinking one day when I travel I will not wear a watch and not worry about the time and I have done that. Who is C, I love how you explained her house. I am imagining it and this is the place you will be for a while? XX

  4. Hi Sis! It is very nice to not wear a watch - I haven't since the first week or so after arriving here!! I don't work yet (and when working for Russell I didn't need a watch since I was always there...) but when I start with the massages I guess I'll have to keep track of time a little bit better :)
    C's house is really pretty, but that's not where I am staying. I am renting a room in Jutta's apartment which also is a very nice and beautiful home. Just more like the houses I am used to and C's house is very different...
