Adventures in Africa

onsdag 10 mars 2010

Life is really very different here!

First of all – I am sweating 24/7! And unfortunately I have been told it usually takes a long time to adjust. Feels almost unbearable from time to time, but there are moments when it’s actually ok too. The worst time is at night when I lie in bed and try to get to sleep. Even with the fan it’s too hot to be comfortable. But if that will be my worst problem then I ain’t complaining!

The pace of life is so much slower here. That’s another thing I have to get used to. Maybe this is one of the reasons fate brought me here – to learn patience. Those were among the very first words I heard when I arrived; “if you want to stay in Pemba you have to learn patience”. That was Gail giving me some words of wisdom.

And then there are the mosquitoes… Feels like most of them have had a little piece of me already.

Don’t get me wrong – I really enjoy being in Mozambique! Some things just take some time getting used to. Apart from the above; life in Pemba is wonderful! Everybody I meet is so welcoming! And genuinely friendly!

Yesterday I went for my first jog in the heat, 4 km with Gail! It was actually not as exhausting and hot as I expected, thank you very much! The sun decided to stay behind a cloud the whole time – that might have helped a bit :)

I am trying to download pictures as well, but something is not working. It might be the internet connection being not only a little bit slow but also very much on and off. I’ll keep on trying, eventually it will probably work!

* Thank you Johan and Stefi! Love you! xx

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